I have been working for Hitec Computer since April 2016 - 7 years as a Community Guardian.
Hitec have delayed the Implementation of SSNA by not putting Hitec Active on their website
Had they done that Foundation Consulting would have been active - eaning us revenue as a software house
Had I charged Hitec £70 per hour for my efforts it would have amounted to an invoice of £25,480
Since july 22 2023 I have been working on project Oppenheimer - where I work 7 days a week 5 hours a day for £70 per hour
I charge £1,000 per hour for Nimrod Change control days - these take 10 hours per implementation
So the invoice for Hitec Comes to £89,000 which we are writing off because Hitec Will not pay
SAS has said he wants us to find him a computer programmer - so we have found him Ben Fish
We shall employ Ben at £70 per hour for two hours per month working for Red Octopus as an Associate Consultant
Ben will spend 1 hour a week on Stock Control / Order Processing
And 1 hour per week on Century 21 Quiz MM Invitational Tournament Registration fot The Hitec Computers Trophy
We are also writing off the £25,480 as this was a gesture of goodwill
Total Saving for Hitec Computers £114,480
We will now be Invoicing in advance for Helping Hands
The Helping Hands Team